Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

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Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

Grouping to Knight's Cross recipient Hauptmann W. - Pz.Gren.Rgt.35

Bedeutender Nachlass des Ritterkreuzträgers Hauptmann W. im Panzergrenadier-Regiment 35

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
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Los K-7011
EAN 2000000532547
Los K-7011
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
EAN 2000000532547
Hersteller ansehen
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los K-7011
EAN 2000000532547
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Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes


Important grouping to Hauptmann Martin W., born on 29.10.1914. The grouping came directly of his son in November 2020 and was never available on the market before. More evidence on the provenience will be given to the buyer.

Hauptmann W. was awarded the Knight's Cross on 5.2.1945 as commander of I./Pz.Gren.Rgt.35 which was attached to the 25.Panzergrenadier-Division.


Personal four-pocket field tunic to Hauptman W. which is exactly the same show on period time portrait photos of W. which are part of this grouping. A fine privately tailored example with 100% period time attached insignia.
Breast eagle and infantry officer's collar tabs are attached by hand. Hauptmann Infantry shoulder boards. W. was promoted a Hauptmann in January 1945!

Four loops for a 6cm long ribbon bar in place. However, pinned a large two-place ribbon bar above it which is also shown on the portrait photos. 
Two pair of loops for his Iron Cross 1st Class and the Wound Badge in black. The loops for the Infantry Assault Badge are missing. 

Two foldable catches underneath the collar to attach his Knight's Cross!
Room for dagger hangers to go through the lower pocket.

No moth damage. Signs of use.
A scarce Knight's Cross winner's tunic proven by original photos! Extremely rare!
Medium size. Condition 2.


1939 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. A nicely worn example made by Klein & Quenzer. Including the original neck ribbon which shows to small hole were W. has attached the ribbon to two foldable catches underneath his collar.

Magnetic iron center. Nice original paint. "800" marked to the reverse of the upper cross arm as well as "65" maker marked and "800" silver stamped to the ring. Good condition 2. The ribbon is about 17cm long.
An extra piece of original ribbon. Length: 21cm

1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class with ribbon. Excellent condition. Unmarked but most probably a Wächtler & Lange made piece. Including the original wrapping paper. An additional 94cm (!) long ribbon!

1939 Iron Cross 1st Class. A nicely worn "26" maker marked example. Iron core.
Case for a 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class. Apart from the missing inlay, opening and closing correctly.

Infantry Assault Badge in bronze. Zinc. Unmarked. Including the original wrapping paper.

Wound Badge in black. Unmarked.
SA Sport's Badge in bronze. Missing catch.

Early tombak Westwall Medal with original ribbon. Inside its "Mortisch Hausch" maker marked bag with a note "1.Kp." (1st Company). 

Personal compass in an original leather bag. Busch maker marked. Working condition. Personal leather medical bag. Maker marked.
Well worn "wiesengrün" color Panzergrenadier shoulder boards for a Hauptmann serving with Grenadier-Regiment 35. This would be his late war 1945 shoulder boards he had worn when being awarded the Knight's Cross in February 1945! Slip-on pattern. Signs of wear and age.

Seven original portrait photos including six showing W. wearing his Knight's Cross as well as his Hauptmann uniform. It is exactly the same tunic we can offer you inside this lot. Of course, it is also exactly the same Knight's Cross, Iron Cross, Infantry Assault Badge and Wound Badge which is included in his grouping!

Three additional period time photos. Every photo shows W. in a group of comrades.

A Heer service manual as well as a booklet on uniforms. 
Two postwar magazines with stories about a court case on a murder that happened in April 1945. The murderer was W's. adjutant. A picture of W. is shown inside one magazine who was a summoned witness.

Documents & certificates

- 1940 dated Leutant promotion document
- 1942 dated "Auszug" confirming his rank of an "Oberleutnant der Res."

- scarce 1.5.1945 (!) dated "Dienstleitungszeugnis" signed by the regiment commander of Pz.Gren.Rgt.35 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves recipient Oberstleutnant Karl Pröll. The statement praises W's. excellent service and character as a Knight's Cross recipient and batallion commander. 

- a list with addresses of members of Inf.Rgt.35 / Pz.Gren.Rgt.35
- July 1945 dated "Korpsgruppe von Stockhausen" document of discharge
- July 1945 dated POW document of discharge
- 1962 dated WaSt document confirming ranks and units
- 1961 dated Bundesarchiv document confirming ranks and units
- postwar form confirming award dates as a Knight's Cross winner of 25.Pz.Gren.Division

Pre 1945 national flag. 120cm x 400cm. Signs of age and patina. 
Personal field leather boots. Soft leather. Sole length: 31cm.

Historische Informationen


Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes


1. September 1939 als dritte und neue Stufe des wiederhergestellten Ordens vom Eisernen Kreuz


Das Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes wurde für besondere Tapferkeit im Angesicht des Feindes und für heraus- ragende Verdienste um die Truppenführung verliehen. Die Verleihung des Ritterkreuzes erforderte die vorherige Vergabe der beiden niedrigeren Stufen. Das Ritterkreuz wurde allein vom Führer auf Vorschlag der Einheit des Soldaten verliehen und vom Heerespersonalamt ausgestellt. Die Ritterkreuze wurden in der Ordenskanzlei in Berlin aufbewahrt, um nach Genehmigung dem Beliehenen zugeschickt zu werden. Vor Ende April 1945 wurden auf keiner Ebene der Wehrmacht Ritterkreuze gelagert.


Das Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes wurde von sieben Herstellern gefertigt, Varianten innerhalb den einzel- nen Firmen nicht berücksichtigt. Die Ritterkreuze findet man entweder ungestempelt (frühe Juncker und 3/4 Ring Kreuz), mit Silbergehaltsstempel, mit einer LDO-Nummer (L/12 und L/52) und später mit der Präsidialkanzlei- Nummer des Herstellers (2, 20, 65 und 4). Privatverkauf war ab Oktober 1941 verboten.


Genaue Zahlen sind nicht bekannt, aber die Schätzungen liegen bei 7.200 und ein paar hundert mehr auf Laager bei der Präsidialkaanzlei.


Der Beliehene erhielt eine vorläufige Urkunde im Format A5, ausgestellt im Namen des Führers von den zustän- digen Personalämtern der drei Wehrmachtsteile. Die formellen Urkunden (Große Mappe) wurden später aus- gestellt und sind aufgrund des großen Herstellungsrückstandes nur mit Datum Ende 1942/Anfang 1943 zu finden.


Das Ritterkreuz wurde mit dem rot/weiß/schwarzen Band als Halsorden getragen. Das Ritterkrreuz wurde im schwarzem Etui und beiliegendem Band verliehen.
